Mailing Address:

Guide Star Engineering, LLC
P.O. Box 700697
Kapolei, HI 96709-0697

Contact Info:

Phone: (808)497-0144
Fax: (866)462-3824
Email: [email protected]


Donald Smith
Senior Engineer
Mr. Smith has over 35 years of experience in systems engineering, hardware design, specification and development of military and commercial communications products. He has held positions with Magnavox Electronic Systems Company (now Raytheon), Texas Instruments Semiconductor, and Raytheon – Crosspan Network Access Technologies Division. Mr. Smith was responsible for design and specification for the next generation of software defined radios. He led extensive analysis and simulations to make system trade decisions for commercial digital cellular air-ground phone system. He received BS and MS Electrical Engineering degrees from the Ohio State University.

Damian Rouson, PhD
Senior Scientist
Dr. Rouson has over 25 years of expertise as engineering, educator and individual researcher and development consultant. Prior to starting Sourcery Institute in 2015, he held technical staff and management positions at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories; faculty, and staff positions at The City University of New York and Stanford University. He holds 2 patents, is recognized internationally for providing valuable scientific and engineering services, teaching and lecturing, authored books and peer-reviewed articles, and contributes to greater development and dissemination of modern Fortran software to industry, government and academia. Dr. Rouson Holds a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from Howard University, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University.

Michael “Mike” Mullen, PhD
Senior Scientist
Dr. Mullen applies over 35 years of research and applied engineering experience to problems involving modeling and simulation, physics based analysis, and remote sensor technologies. Dr. Mullen is a subject matter expert in underwater sensor technology and has lead an managed numerous SBIR and internal research and development efforts while with ITT, Magnavox Government Electronics (now USSI), Progeny Systems, ITT Aerospace & Communications Division, principal in and cofounder of ECS Technology (now incorporated into MasterSports). As a project manager, Dr. Mullen successfully managed internal Research & Development programs of Phase I and Phase II magnitude, including principal investigator of several multiyear development programs. Dr Mullen holds a B.S. Physics, University of Nebraska, and Ph.D. in Solid State Physics from Rutgers University, specializing in physical acoustics.

Neal Baitcher
Industrial Engineer/Business Development Manager
Mr. Baitcher has over 30 years of industrial experience and strong program management skills. He specializes in program management, developing communications systems and related production, test, and quality assurance systems for commercial and government clients. Mr. Baitcher has held technical and senior management positions at Fibre Form, Motorola, Industrial Composites Inc., and Material Innovation Technologies. He has five (5) issued patents, and has managed SBIR projects and ISO 9000 facilities. He has a BS in Design from Illinois Institute of Technology.

Seibert Murphy
Mr. Murphy has over 25 years of progressive development, project management, and business development experience; He began his career in the US Navy as an aircrewman, and held technical and management positions at Magnavox Government Electronics (now USSI), Automation Engineering, Johns Hopkins University APL, and Progeny Systems. His technical specialization includes acoustics, underwater sensors, remote systems, and signal analysis and processing. Since 2006, Mr. Murphy has led Guide Star Engineering, successfully performing programs for commercial and government customers. He has a BS in Physics from Purdue University, and a MS in Engineering from Catholic University.